Wednesday 22 February 2012

Ubuntu for Android

"In every dual-core phone there is a PC trying to get out"-Canonical

The above remark is really true for the latest dual core Android smartphones ,As Ubuntu the known name in Linux distros is going to make Ubuntu for Android.That means get the ubuntu experience on your Android phone...No,Not at all.

Instead, They are ushering a new concept in mobile OS called ,dual integrated OS concept which will work on the basis device role functionality.
Whenever you use your Android Phone as a Phone it will be normal Device Android optimized for touch.
But,If you are in office and hook it up to a LED monitor or the Ubuntu device dock connected to Keyboard,mouse and monitor voila, Ubuntu sprawls up on your monitor.use ubuntu when in office and when at home your Android is enough for you.

Why carry two devices, when you could carry only one? Your next high-end smartphone has far more horsepower than you’ll need on a phone, and more than enough for a laptop

Canonical brought Android together with Ubuntu, the world’s favorite free operating system, to give us a full productivity desktop that fits in your pocket. Android for the phone experience, Ubuntu for the desktop, all on one device, running at the same time.
So forget the office PC. Just dock your corporate phone and enjoy Ubuntu. Anywhere. One address book. One set of bookmarks. One place for your text messages and email. No more typing on a tiny screen when all you want is a keyboard and a mouse. Seamless integration of your desktop and mobile worlds. Brilliant.


Secure full-featured web

Sit back and enjoy a full desktop browser for multi-tab, multi-window web productivity. Ubuntu supports both Chromium and Firefox, the world's fastest browsers, and is naturally resistant to web malware, which is why enterprises and governments are adopting Ubuntu on desktops.

Unified contacts

Both Ubuntu and Android access the same mobile address book. So even when the phone is docked, you can view, edit, call, text or email a contact. You can even check their profiles on Facebook or Twitter.

Surf on the move with the Android browser, then dock to continue your session on the desktop. You get the same web pages, the same bookmarks and the same browsing history, with all the real-estate of a desktop and chromium included Using web applications with a full keyboard and mouse is so much better than a tablet when you're at a desk, even in a hotel.

Calendar coordination

As with your contacts, your Android calendar data is shared with Ubuntu. This enables synchronisation with any desktop or web-based calendar application, like Google Calendar.

Messaging and calls

Read and reply to incoming SMS messages from the desktop, using Ubuntu's message indicator. You can also make and receive calls via the desktop - and you'll be alerted to voicemails so you can manage them while you work.

Simple integrated settings

Alarm clock settings on the phone can be synchronised to alert you when working in the Ubuntu environment. You'll have one place to enter wifi passwords and one place to pair your bluetooth headset, then everything just works.


Manage and view photos stored on your smartphone using the Ubuntu Gallery application. Then edit them on the Ubuntu desktop and save them back to the phone. Create, edit and consume, all on one device.

Social networking services

All your Android social network account credentials are synchronised seamlessly, using the Ubuntu social networking client to provide easy access to your online communities.

Default Applications included in Ubuntu for Android:
  • Chromium web browser.
  • Google Calender.
  • Google Docs.
  • VLC media Player.
  • Android Dialer.
  • Ubuntu Music Player.
  • Ubuntu Photo gallery.
  • Facebook
  • Twitter.
On an ending note this concept is good and only available for manufacturers ,Currently no end users can download and install this OS.lets wait for out manufacturers.
watch this video for actual demo:


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